What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a licensed healthcare profession that specializes in spinal health. It was founded on the principal that spinal joint dysfunction has widespread affects on your body. In addition to your spine, modern chiropractors use a variety of methods and techniques to assess and treat all joints, head to toe.
The centerpiece of chiropractic treatment is the"adjustment," a controlled force used to free a restricted joint. Many patients choose to undergo regular chiropractic adjustments simply because it makes them feel better.
Does it work?
Chiropractic therapies reliably out-perform conventional treatment methods for back and neck pain. In fact, the American College of Physicians now recommends chiropractic therapies as a first line of defense against back pain. In addition, patients with the following conditions may also benefit from chiropractic treatment:
Frequent headaches
Healing after an accident or whiplash
Joint pain and dysfunction
Stiff muscles or muscle aches
How does it work?
Chiropractors use controlled forces to directly improve range of motion and overall function to a joint. In addition, chiropractic adjustments change nerve signals sent to your brain. Many of an adjustment's pain-relieving effects are attributed to direct changes in how your brain understands your body. Many athletes use chiropractic adjustments for this same purpose, optimizing communication between brain and body.
Who needs adjusted?
Because of its excellent safety record, most people are eligible for chiropractic treatment. In fact, many people would benefit from regular checks for joint dysfunction. In particular, regular chiropractic check-ups are recommended for:
Growing children and teens
Individuals with poor posture or a sedentary lifestyle
Expecting mothers
Elderly individuals
Individuals doing physically demanding work
Education Requirements
What does it take to be a chiropractor?
1. Four years of undergraduate study.
2. Four years of graduate-level study focused on:
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Nutrition & Biochemistry
Public Health & Research Methods
Diagnostic Imaging & Interpretation
Chiropractic Techniques
Clinical Diagnosis & Decision Making
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
3. Two years of clinical experience.
4. Certification by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Applicants are required to pass a four part exam covering:
Basic Science
Clinical Knowledge
Diagnostic Imaging
Clinical Decision-Making
Practical Clinical Skills
5. State licensing. In the state of Ohio, chiropractors are required to have completed all of the above in addition to (1) demonstrating proficiency in Ohio jurisprudence and (2) achieving board certification in physiotherapy.